Sunday, January 15, 2012

No Frills Deals

There are some amazing deals going on at No Frills right now and my wonderful husband and oldest daughter (armed with LOTS of coupons) went yesterday afternoon.

20x POM = regular $1.49 on sale $1.00 + coupon $1.00 (from insert) = FREE (savings of $29.80)
10x Oral-B = regular $1.47 on sale $1.00 = coupon $1.00 (from insert) = FREE (savings of $14.70)

Subtotal = $0.00
HST = $2.30

Total Spent = $2.30
Total Saved = $44.50


Anonymous said...

How do you manage to get so many inserts of the same coupon?

FrugalMeFrugalYou said...

I am lucky I know someone who has a friend at the paper so I get a bunch of extras. I also have family and friends who don't use them so they give them to me.